Thursday 14 July 2011

Work Experience is for Life not just for a week!!

Please read this article above about what labour says about vocational education. I found this article quite interesting and think it links quite well to my previous post because many young people are unsure about what all their options are. 

One of the main problems that seems to a recurring theme with previous graduates or young people who have gone onto do Alevels is a lack of work experience. This article is saying there is more of a need to educate and train young people with the necessary work skills needed in the work force. This is essentially true and alot of people who graduate sometimes have little or no work experience at all. So what can be done about this? Yes vocational options are a great idea but what about people who still want to have a degree. Many people suggest internships and getting work experience during the summer but sometimes this can be just as challenging as finding a proper job!! So wouldn't it make sense to actually incorporate work based training for young work maybe whilst they are still at school. 

Apprenticeships are a great way for young people to learn about a specific trade and learn valuable work skills at the same time. When I spoke to young people about them reactions about it were often negative especially if the word vocational was used. Many bright students would look upon btecs and apprenticeships as something which was designed for non-intelligent people.One young person said to once 'Miss only thick people do those courses'. Indicating that young people in general didn't want to be associated with a course that makes them seem less intelligent. This is why its so important to educate them about necessary life and work skills. 

I did a group work in a secondary school with some SEN students about work experience. It was a interactive discussion about skills we use in every day life that are necessary in the workforce. For example communication, listening, team work etc. This discussion helped them to see why particular skills we learn in life can be built through education and developed in the workforce. One student who had worked in a shop gave an example of communication skills by saying if you don't communicate well with customers they will not want to return to that establishment etc. This particular group stays in my mind because it made me realise that young have alot of the answers in their heads but need to be driven  in the right direction. Also it made them realise that into order to gain a job its not just how well you do in your gcses or Alevels. Its also how much you put into the necessary life skills. I.e engaging in other activities such as sports, volunteering etc to help develop those skills if necessary.

Please see quote below about the Swedish education system. 

'Post-secondary studies include advanced vocational training (Kvalificerad yrkesutbilding) which is intended to meet the labour market's needs for the skills required for modern production of goods and services. About one-third of the course period takes place at the workplace. As from January 2002, this form of training is a permanent part of the Swedish educational system but does not belong to the higher education sector. Admission is based on three-year upper secondary education or corresponding proficiency. The training is normally intended to correspond to two years of study and leads to a Certificate of Advanced Vocational Training (Kvalificerad yrkesexamen).'

Just to summarise in Sweden they actually incorporate work related training for everyone you could say this is exactly like our work experience here. However this system is alot longer hence the two years!! Work experience here is usually 2 weeks if at best and sometimes some young people struggle to even get a placement for that!! I have not criticising the system here and know that Sweden is prominently a rich country but having something like this in our education system would benefit so many young people and help them with those essential skills needed in the workforce.

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